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James Russell

Starting as a Social Studies teacher for the Kennett School District in 2006, I taught high school US and World History, Government, Criminal Justice, Contemporary Issues, Economics, and Geography, and was the Academic Team Coach. Later, I taught at Nell Holcomb Middle School. As a teacher's kid, I experimented with many early technologies in the classroom including smart boards, media making, and several of the applications my parents both used in their classrooms. This learned love of technology was expanded in my own classroom and in classrooms of other colleagues', facilitating trainings and troubleshooting. I joined Cape Central Junior High in the fall of 2013 and have worked hard alongside those in my building and the high school, bringing 1:1 to Cape Public School students. I look forward to working with teachers to further student preparation for the lives waiting for them as they leave this school.


Technology is an essential part of our lives, and should therefore be an essential part of our classrooms.  Learning to use technology in the classroom isn't about the mechanics of how a device or app works, but how it can be used to expand the way students learn and meet them where they are. We live in a world just beginning to embrace the changes that come with technology. It is our calling as teachers to prepare students for their adult lives, and a shift to include technology is a necessary component. Students, with or without us, now have tools to access a world of information that was previously inconceivable, and it expands still. Through technology, we can foster even more creative learning environments; instruction that meest the needs of every student; creating productive, responsible digital citizens for future generations.


“What good is a good idea if it remains an idea? Try.




Try again.”

Simon Sinek
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